"Life is like a lollipop.  You have to lick it one day at a time."

A. Nony Mouse.


"We dwell in the suburb of Man, beside and beneath civilization.

We have neither the purity of the saint,

nor the gritty material squalor of London in the time of Dickens.

We have hygiene and proper diet. 

We following something cleaner and sillier than superstitions. 

We follow the news."

Anthony Esolen

"Mission Nary Impossible" in Touchstone,

January/February 2015.


"We ought to allow a certain leeway in human affairs

to stupidity and self-delusion."

Anthony Esolen

"Camels and Gnats" in Touchstone, January/February 2015.


"We must reason with our opponents

because some of them still do reason.'

Anthony Esolen

"Today's Mission" in Touchstone, January/February 2015.


"Our opponents speak of tolerance,

yet they are the touchiest sensitive-plants ever

to sprout upon earth."

Anthony Esolen

"Today's Mission" in Touchstone, January/February 2015.


"The moral rules are relatively easy for those who are virtuous,

but hard or impossible for those who are not."

Randall B. Smith

"The Coming Perfect Storm" in Touchstone,

January/February 2015.


"The worst that could possibly happen has happened

in the death of Jesus Christ."

Richard John Neuhaus



"The titans of social media understand quite well

the social need behind it all:

'I want not to be alone.' 

But the attention one gathers through digital tools

fails to meet the spiritual hunger."

Mark Bauerlein

"Prayer in the Facebook Age" in First Things, December 2014.


"Isn't it appropriate that the month of the tax begins

with April Fool's Day and ends with cries of May Day?"

A. Nony Mouse.

Sue’s Album

A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

April 2015