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8661 Deer Run Dr. * Victoria


         I was impressed with the Holding Area, which is where the Library places resources for cardholders who have called a requested a particular book or movie or other item.  Most of the patron requests can be found within the Carver County Library Sytem, said Kathy, but in fact the entire country can be searched for an item.

         I was impressed with the smiling faces behind the Information Desk, the Service Desk, and the Technology Desk.  I was impressed with the full time technical assistant who was answering 21 questions for one of the patrons before she moved on to help another guest.

         As Kathy said, "People don't realize what a gold mine we have here."  The Victoria Library is, indeed, amazing.


         Information in a 2008 study reveals there were 16,549 public libraries in the USA that year.  Now there are at least 16,550 including the new Victoria Library!  In other words, there are more public libraries in the USA than McDonald's .  Last year there were 14,350 golden arches across the nation.  It's a promising sign that people are hungrier for books than burgers.



To view a larger array of photos from inside the Victoria Library, visit Sue’s Album or click here.

The Victoria GAZETTE

April 2015

Victoria Library Continued