To the Editor:

         Come on into Hometown Bank to have  a cup of coffee on me.  And tell Mike Orth to subscribe to the Gazette.

         Cathy Thom, Hometown Bank

         and Waconia School Board

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Here's my check for another year of reading enjoyment.  The fishhook is around the end of the tail on the bronze Europa sculpture on page 41.  Have a great day.

         Betty Goetz

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Hi, Sue.  Found the fishhook on page 4 1 around the tail of the sculpture pictured on page 41. Had the help of my son in law and daughter in locating it.

         Barbara Johnson

         Sacred Heart, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Hello, Sue.  Just a year ago we had you running an anniversary greeting for our folks, Jerry and Joan Gross.  Mom is turning 80 in April.  My sister saved an ad from a paper in her area that ran several years ago.  She thought it would be fun to duplicate it somehow for our mom.  I am attaching the original ad that my sister saved, with the information.  I am also attaching a similar ad that we were wondering if you could put together for the duplicate.  I have also attached the picture we want you to use separately, since I know you will have to do your magic for sizing and graphics.  We would like it to run in the April issue of the Gazette.  Could you create a proof for us to confirm?  Let me know the cost and how you prefer payment.

         Tami Wenthold

         Huntersville, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Indeed we've come to live in the land of Ah's.  Victoria is special, as outlined in last month's Victoria Gazette column, "Picking the Mayor's Mind."  Victoria is a community of so many treasures.  We only need to look around.

         And perhaps the young people we are grooming are a Victoria treasure, taken for granted.  Consider, there are more names on the Victoria Student Honor roll than on the County Police Report.

         Stan Hamerski

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         We enjoyed receiving the paper down in Florida this winter.  Please start using our Victoria address for mailing again.

         Pat and Patti Murphy

         Victoria, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         We thoroughly enjoy our home copy of the Gazette, but you can take the business copy for Rosie's Tuxedo's off the list.  The shop has been closed.  Thanks.

         Michelle Honebrink

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Hello, Susan.  I really do enjoy your paper and want to let you know that I do.  You have lots and lots of spirit.


         Aunt Clarone Williams

         Half Moon Bay, California


To the Editor:

         Awesome paper!  Nice job.  Holler when you are in Stillwater.

         Your friends,

         John and Kathy Oertle

         Stillwater, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         My heart is still in Victoria.

         Maddy Schalow

         Waconia, Minnesota


To the Editor:

         Please continue to save your envelopes (with all their various stamps) for me, as you have done for so many years.

         Ron Holtmeier

         Waconia, Minnesota


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

April 2015

Letters Continued