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The Victoria GAZETTE |
SCULPTURE PROPOSED FOR DOWNTOWN IN HONOR OF VICTORIA’S CENTENNIAL YEAR Jessica Beise, Executive Assistant at City Hall, reported March 9th that the Centennial Committee continues to work on ways to celebrate Victoria's Centennial Year. Banners highlighting several significant dates in Victoria's history have been completed, as well as a banner of upcoming 2015 events where the Centennial Year will be noted. She also said that Deb Zeller, artist resident of Victoria, was contacted to design and construct a sculpture for the city that could be placed in a prominent location in the city. A proposed sketch of the sculpture depicts a large V with roots and water waves plus an arch that would hold green trees and people. Victoria's signature motto is "City of Lakes and Parks." Jessica said the V is proposed to be made of cement,with maybe bronze roots, and the rest would be composed of steel. The committee considered various locations including the circular space in the sidewalk near the Creamery, in the plaza next to the Lakeside Building, near a proposed bandstand, in a city park, or at the Recreation Center. "The group is most interested in the site by the Creamery," said Jessica. "The city owns most of the land there but would need an easement with the owner of the Creamery property." Owner of the Creamery property is Mary Meuwissen, a partner in Counselor Realty at the Clocktower Building and former mayor of Victoria. "The committee is interested in looking for donations," said Jessica. "Deb Zeller would donate her time. The city could be the maintainer of the property. There is a possibility we could have it done by the end of the year." Councilmembers said it was a great idea. Jessica will put things together and get a mock-up made of the sculpture.
PRIORITIES ON VICTORIA’S WATER WAYS MCWD ASKS CITY FOR UNDERSTANDING Victoria councilmembers met in their new Council Chambers with members of the Minnehaha Creek Watershed District in a workshop setting on March 9th. Said City Engineer Cara Geheren,"This is the first workshop in this format." For the first time, the format included the two large widescreen monitors easily visible to the audience. "We've been working more collaboratively together, defining a framework," said Cara, who referred to three main areas in a Memorandum of Understanding: *Coordination between the city and MCWD to define long term and short term planning opportunities. *Management of Water Issues in Victoria, especially as they relate to Stieger Lake, Carl Krey Lake, Lake Zumbra, and Deer Run. *Coordinating erosion control and permitting requirements. "There was flooding at Zumbra Ridge last summer and Deer Run couldn't get people on the golf course for a while," said Cara. "We're looking for possible solutions. The District (MCWD) can look at our technical information. We can look at their work. This framework is not legally or financially binding." Stated James Wisker, MCWD Planning and Projects Director, "The Watershed District came to see an interconnectedness. We've had a lot of success. We can probably do this spending less of the public's money rather than doing it on our own."
SHORTER SCOOP FROM MARCH VICTORIA’S MARKET COULD OPEN IN APRIL *The General Manager of Victoria’s Market introduced himself at the March 23rd city council meeting. He said the grocery store, formerly Fresh Seasons, should open in April. “We’re adding a wellness department, a bulk food department, and we’ll have a bakery, amazing meat an produce. We’re remodeling to give more of a farmer’s market look. We’re shooting now to open on April 20th. It’s not efinite but we feel good about that date. We had a job fair this past weekend. It will be fun to get people back into the store. Rick Stucki will be back.” Also Rick’s wife Janney.
April 2015 |
City Scoop Continued |