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The Scoop

at City Hall



         Mayor Mary Hershberger Thun and Councilmember-Elect Jim Crowley took the oath of office on January 10th, the first Victoria City Council meeting of the New Year.  Councilmember-Elect Tom Strigel, who was unable to be present that evening, took the oath of office on January 24th. 

         Mayor Mary Thun -- who began serving as a Victoria City Councilmember in January 2003, then ran for election as Mayor of Victoria and began serving in that capacity in January 2007 -- spoke to constituents before getting down to city business.

         “This will be my third two-year term as mayor,” she said.  “It is an honor and a pleasure to serve you.  This is the third or fourth different Council that I’ve worked with, both as a councilmember and as a mayor.  To lead this group of people has been a distinct honor, as well as working with all of this staff.  It truly is an honor.

         “It is also a responsibility for all of us up here and for those that have preceded us.  All of them have contributed immensely to Victoria and to the type of city that we are currently living in.

         “Especially today, it is not lost on me that we represent a government, a government in the State of Minnesota, in the United States of America, and all of you who are the citizens.  Some people with their lives and their challenges feel they cannot rise up and meet them, and sometimes they inappropriately take their frustrations out on people who represent them.

         “I ask that we all remember the terrible tragedy involving six people that were killed in Arizona, including a federal judge and a young girl and other people just like you and me, including a congress woman who was seriously injured.  There has to be a different way to think about how to react to their own personal challenges.

         “I pray that a similar incident never ever occurs in Victoria, and I ask that all of us work together to find the best way possible out of situations that we  find ourselves in as a community or as individuals. 

         “Many of you have heard me say, ‘Focus on the Future.’  I still believe in this very, very strongly.  We must continue to focus on what we believe is important to us as a community.  We must continue to focus on creating value for our city by focusing on critical ideas to ensure that our future is a thriving city.

         “To all of those people that serve, including all of our staff, I want to thank everyone.  And all of the council, I want to thank you for your work and competent service in these areas.

         “We have a tremendous city and a tremendous community that is made up of unique neighborhoods that work together.  Let us work together as a city to respect each other and balance our wants and needs as a city, as a whole.  It’s the only way we will continue to thrive as a community.

         “Once again, I want to thank all of you for the trust that you have placed in us.  I encourage you to continue to contact us and continue to work with us closely so we can serve you to the best of our ability.  On behalf of the council, it truly is an honor to serve you and we take it seriously.  Thank you for electing us.  Happy New Year.


Click here for other candidates being sworn in.

February 2011

The Scoop at City Hall

Mayor Mary Hershberger Thun sworn in by City Attorney Mike Norton.