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at City Hall

         Last month I received a package from Father Bernardine Hahn, former priest at St. Victoria who lives in St. Louis, that included the brand new Reagan Ranch Calendar.  I suspect the calendar was printed to recognize the 10-year anniversary of President Ronald Reagan's death.  President Reagan died on June 5th, 2004.

         Equipped with quotes, quips, and speeches of the former president, along with some fabulous photos, the calendar is also a good topic this month as we celebrate Independence Day here in the USA. 

         President Reagan served from 1981 to 1989, which is more than 200 years after the thirteen American colonies formed a union that would become a new nation, a nation unlike any other on the face of the planet.  It was destined to be exceptional on a worldwide basis, if it remained within the parameters of its founding principles.


"Protecting the rights

of even the least individual among us

is basically the only excuse the

government has for even existing."


         The words and messages of Ronald Reagan resemble those of our Founding Fathers.  Some of those Founding Fathers include George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Benjamin Franklin, Samuel Adams, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Alexander Hamilton.

         Read about them and then tell your children and grandchildren about them.  Not everything on the library shelves or on Google is reliable anymore.  Hang onto those old history books and old encyclopedias for historical data uncensored.  Save them and pass them on to those who reverence the truth of things.


"Education begins in the home."


         You can also read the new series of books out there starting with Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims.  I bought it, read it, and then purchased more for my reader grandchildren.  It's very good.

         That book was soon followed by Rush Revere and the First Patriots.  Both books are still at the top of the New York Times Best Seller List.  More of those chapter books are coming.  If you don't find them on the shelves in the new branch of the Carver County Library soon to be constructed here in Victoria, let them know.


"Trust, but verify."


         Amazing it has been in the history of the world that a nation was able to elect so many presidents who espoused the same godly ideals and optimism as President George Washington, our first.  I wonder if our country will ever get back on track.  Maybe it won't.  Why not?  Because it now seems that the majority of our citizens prefer to have their ears tickled.  It's a biblical prediction that has come to pass.

         "For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching but wanting to have their ears tickled will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own likings, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander into myths."  St. Paul is speaking in 2 Timothy 4:3-4.


"Within the covers of the Bible

are the answers for all problems

men face, if we'd only look there."


         The popular media (it's not popular with me) does indeed tickle the ears, but I don't blame them for citizens wandering into myths.  That would be like blaming the devil for Adam and Eve eating the apple, which I don't.  Responsibility resides with and within each one of us individually.  The truth is out there for those who would seek it, for those who would see it.


"Don't be afraid to see what you see."


         It takes someone with the character of a Christian gentleman to honorably steer a nation such as ours, a person with quiet courage, humility, maturity, and an honest smile, a person with a godly intellect and a moral disposition.  President Reagan was like that.


"We might come closer to balancing the budget if all of us lived closer to the Ten Commandments

and the Golden Rule."


         Our country has changed so much in recent years that Ronald Reagan probably couldn't get elected today.  But eventually, people will wake up, if not in this world then in the next.  In the meantime, there are a lot of battles to fight.  We aren't winning all the battles, but we know who wins the war, which explains the happy people.  As G.K. Chesterton wrote, "In knowing the truth and speaking it, we are happy." 

         Thank you, Father Bernardine, for helping provide the editor's favorite quotes this month.  Happy Fourth of July.

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From the Editor

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

July 2014