WE HOLD THESE TRUTHS TO BE SELF-EVIDENT, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. -- That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. July 4th, 1776 Declaration of the 13 United States of America 56 signers including Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock
GOD BLESS AMERICA. The Fourth of July 2017 and Oh Say Can You See were right around the corner when Jim and Nan Emmer of Victoria hosted an impromptu party for patriots. The event was blessed with good food and friends and culminated with a large rainbow over the occasion later that evening. The rainbow photo is by Gary Olson. The large group photo is by my Guardian Angel. Left to right: Tom and Cathi O'Connor, Bill and Elaine Scholl, Dick and Peggy Fox, Nan and Jim Emmer, Mary and Gary Olson, Rachel and Bob O'Brien, Allan and Sue Orsen. Editor Sue Orsen Victoria, Minnesota
REAL DEALS IN VICTORIA IS NOW CLOSED. Hello, Everyone. I have loved becoming your retail therapy home. I have loved helping make your home a little more special. I have loved getting to know you. Thank you for allowing me to serve you. This is not goodbye, only so long. I am going to miss you. Ruth and Dick Ertl Mayer, Minnesota
ST. VICTORIA CHOIR FRIENDS. Cowboy Tom Stumpf, who has been writing monthly columns for the Victoria Gazette for more than 20 years, and his sweetheart Patti Bartusek, were married on Friday, June 2nd, at the St. Victoria Catholic Church in Victoria. After the 4 p.m. wedding, guests enjoyed a lovely dinner in Elstan Hall. Some of the choir friends grouped together for a picture with Mr. and Mrs. Stumpf. Front (l-r): Elizabeth Nowak and son Calvin (Mayer), Lisa Payne (Chaska), Sue and Allan Orsen (Victoria). Back: Justin Nowak (Mayer), Ruth and Dick Ertl (Mayer), the newlyweds Tom and Patti Stumpf (Waconia), Luci and Bert Tellers (Waconia). Photo by Christy Bisek Photography, Lakeville, MN
THE HABITAT 500 BIKE RIDE is an annual bicycle ride fundraiser that covers 500 miles over seven days. Riders raise funds from family, friends, businesses, and church groups, and designate Habitat for Humanity affiliates locally or globally. We limit participation to 135 riders. Each rider is required to raise a minimum of $1,000. The average amount raised is $2,710 per rider. Each year is a new route. This year riders will begin and end their trip at Holy Family Catholic High School in Victoria. There will be overnight stops in Hutchinson, Sauk Rapids, Forest Lake, and Cannon Falls before returning to Victoria. Orientation and registration begins the evening of July 8th, and the next morning, after breakfast generously provided by the Victoria Lions Club, riders will set out on a 50-mile or 100-mile loop around Victoria as their first day on the trail. On July 15th, riders will leave from Cannon Falls and arrive back in Victoria for the finish line celebration. Ellie Thorsgaard Habitat 500 Summer Intern St. Paul, Minnesota
NATIONAL HISTORY AWARD. August Butterworth of Victoria, an eighth grade student at Chaska Middle School East, recently competed in the National History Day Contest, held at the University of Maryland, College Park in the Washington DC area, June 11-15, 2017. She was awarded 3rd place in the Junior Individual Documentary category. August joined more than half a million students globally who competed projects in one of five categories. August created a documentary project titled "The 1971 FBI Burglary: Taking a Stand Against Illegal Government Surveillance." After completing a project, students compete in a series of contests beginning at the local level. The top students in all 50 states, DC, U.S. territories, and International Schools, are given opportunity to attend the National Contest. Less than 1% of all projects make it to this level. It requires a superb level of research and critical thinking skills. More than 300 historians and education professionals evaluate the students' work at the national competitions. $150,000 in scholarships were awarded and more than 100 students took home cash prizes. Candace Butterworth, mother of August Victoria, Minnesota
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