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Notes and


The Scoop

at City Hall

         I started walking without a walker on May 12th, holding firmly onto the arm of daughter Jenny.  It was an additional Mother's Day gift as we drove to visit my own mom and dad down at their place in Marshall.  I started walking unassisted, albeit slowly, a couple days later.  It's pretty amazing.  I'm grateful for your prayers and good wishes and the gift of life.


         I learned that the Monday, May 14th, meeting of the Victoria City Council meeting was cancelled because of lack of a quorum.  Only two of the five councilmembers could be present.  There was also a Town Hall Meeting at City Hall on May 16th and only two councilmembers were present.  Doesn't look like I missed too much since I was hit in the street, as a pedestrian, on April 3rd by a driver running a red light in Belfast, Ireland.


         That same Monday, May 14th, an MRI revealed that another fracture had occurred during the Ireland incident, near my left knee, which will also be healed on its own, said the orthopedic doctor, without surgery, but with patience.  I'm happy to learn patience. 

         On May 15th I was able to put the walker away.  It no longer has a place at my bedside or next to the shower. 

         On May 19th, I went to church and sat in a pew at St. Victoria with familiar faces and walked up, in line with others, to receive Communion.  Like the movie at Christmas time, "It's a Wonderful Life."


         I will no longer make an effort to attend all Victoria city council meetings and workshops as I have for these past nearly four decades.  It has certainly come home to me that life is too precious to spend so much time in a room pierced with hate and anger.  Anger is one of the seven deadly sins and it has penetrated the Victoria City Council Chambers for 18 months now.  It's called a deadly sin because it distorts the mind and kills the soul -- even the soul of a city. 

         City council meetings are recorded for me as well as for you and so I can easily view them in the comfort of my peaceful and protective home office and then write it up for you on the City Scoop pages of the Gazette, at my convenience.  If I don't report on "a minute and a half" rant here or there, it's most likely due to it being unintelligible.


         We've recently seen and heard irrational criticisms against President Donald Trump because he called the members of M-13 "animals" which, of course, they are.  M-13 is an international criminal gang that is cruel and merciless and involved in brutal murders.

         I learned in my high school and college biology classes that all living things are divided into two kingdoms:  Animal Kingdom or Plant Kingdom.  That means you are either an animal or a plant.  Take your pick.  If you're reading this, you're an animal, like it or not.


         On May 21st I attended the Victoria Lions Spouses Dinner and I thoroughly enjoyed the evening.  It was my first extended social outing since the accident.

         On May 27th I made a delicious steak dinner for son Nick and his family, "like in the old days" -- which were only two months previous.  I couldn't pick up and hold Sophie and Mia but I hugged and kissed them a lot.

         On May 30 I was walking up and down stairs pretty comfortably, not just one step at a time, even carrying laundry baskets full to the brim, going to restaurants and shopping, and making dinner at home without difficulties.  I take none of it for granted.

         On June 1st I took my first bath in a bathtub (like, where else do you take a bath?).  Otherwise it's been a daily shower to which I've now become accustomed.  I've learned that a shower is faster and easier but, if you don't mind me getting a bit graphic, I prefer to shave my legs seated in a bathtub rather than standing on my head in a shower.  The visual should explain it for you.

         Still to come?  Getting behind the wheel of my car.  I haven't driven for  more than two months.  Maybe this week. 


         June is the beginning of an exciting time for people who enjoy the sights, sounds, and savories on Classic Car Nights.  I look forward to walking among those good-looking cars and people and food events in Victoria's wonderful walkable downtown.  Of course I'll have my camera along.  It's an appendage of mine, one that escaped Belfast unharmed.

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From the Editor

Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

Sue’s Album

A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com

June 2018