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VICTORIA ADOPTS ANTI-BULLYING POLICY GAZETTE INFORMS AND SHINES A LIGHT ON REALITY On May 29th, the Victoria City Council voted 3-2 to not table discussion of the Anti-Bullying Policy to January 2019. They voted 2-3 to not close debate on the Anti-Bullying Policy that evening. And they voted 3-2 to pass the Anti-Bullying Policy as drafted by city staff, without the amendments proposed by Councilmember Tom Gregory. Said Councilmember Tom Strigel, “I've never been associated with an organization that is a more perfect example of why this kind of policy is needed. We don't have to look any further than the last 18 months.”
PEOPLE STILL USE LIBRARIES ACROSS THE USA AND VICTORIA’S LIBRARY REMAINS VERY POPULAR Councilmembers heard about the state of the Victoria Library on May 29th as reported by Heidi Hoks, Director of Carver County Libraries, and Patrick Jones, Branch Manager for the Victoria and Chanhassen Libraries. "I love my job," said Heidi. "It is the best job in the world. Your Victoria Library is a very busy library. We love this library. It is our technology library. You get more for your money than if it had been an independent library. You have the staff expertise among the whole county system. We are also part of MELSA and have interlibrary services. You can get a book from Ely, Minnesota, for example, for free."
DOWNTOWN VICTORIA PARKING STUDY BEGINS TO COLLECT DATA THAT SHOULD POINT TO A SOLUTION At the end of discussion on May 29th, Council voted 5-0 to initiate a downtown parking study, asking city staff to consult with Hoisington Koegler Group Inc (HKGi) about increasing their proposed one day evaluation of Victoria's existing parking problems. As Councilmember Tom Vogt said, "My concern is that they propose to come here for one day to determine our parking situation. We need to get this re-written. I think we need to get a better statistical model." Council agreed that it would take much more than one day to gather data that would be statistically significant.
ABSENTEE VOTING REMAINS AT THE COUNTY VICTORIA CITES COSTS, PARKING, TRAFFIC CONCERNS On May 29th, Carver County asked the City of Victoria to take over and be responsible for the absentee voting of its own residents. Dave Frischmon, Property and Financial Services Director for Carver County, made the request at the city council meeting. Back in February, Victoria councilmembers had agreed to continue to let the county administer that job. The consensus this time was to once again leave absentee voting with the county.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN SENT FOR REVIEW PREDICTING VICTORIA’S 2040 POPULATION AT 15,400 Council voted 5-0 on May 29th to authorize submitting the draft 2040 Comprehensive Plan to adjacent jurisdictions and affected agencies for the required six-month review.
STIEGER LAKE LANE PROJECT MOVES AHEAD ON A SPLIT 3-2 VOTE OF THE VICTORIA CITY COUNCIL Each of three resolutions in favor of moving forward with the reconstruction of Stieger Lake Lane (from City Hall east to Enki's entrance) and the accompanying parallel parking spaces was approved on the evening of May 29th with a 3-2 vote. Those in favor of moving forward included Mayor Funk, Tom Vogt, and Tom Gregory. Those against: Jim Crowley and Tom Strigel.
NEW LOCATION FOR VICTORIA AUTO SALES MOVING FROM THE WEST END TO THE EAST END Council voted 4-1 on May 29th to approve a conditional use permit for Waconia Dodge (doing business as Victoria Auto Sales in Victoria) that will allow them to relocate from the west end of downtown Victoria to the east end. Councilmember Jim Crowley cast the dissenting vote. Over the years, the east location on Stieger Lake Lane has been home to the Ski Factory, Nature's Bounty Garden Center, Digger's Motorcycles, and Midwest Watersports. It is currently vacant.
SHORTER CITY SCOOP FROM MAY COMING TO VICTORIA: MINI-GOLF AND ARCADES Council learned that Victoria Burrow is slated to be a new establishment in Victoria that has filed for a liquor license in the former downtown grocery store. Being planned for the building is mini-golf, eating establishment, and an arcade facility. They are hoping to be open by mid July.
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