"Best friends come in all sizes.'

A. Nonnie Mouse


"Anti-hate signs are bad manners.  The posters regard themselves

as benevolent stewards of a better society,

but in truth they ruin the fellowship

that citizens feel for one another as Americans."

R. R. Reno

"The Public Square" in First Things, October 2018.


"Calling things by their right names

requires an understanding of the natural law

and of revelation.  Everything is what it is and not another thing."

Steven A. Long

"Magisterial Irresponsibility" in First Things, October 2018.


"Let us not put our trust in judges any more than princes,

not only because they are fallible,

but also because judges are meant to judge,

not to save us from ourselves."

 Marc O. DeGirolami and Kevin C. Walsh

"Kennedy's Last Term" in First Things, October 2018.


"Our cultural conflicts are over the political good, the moral good,

and, most fundamentally, what it means to be human."

Marc O. DeGirolami and Kevin C. Walsh

"Kennedy's Last Term" in First Things, October 2018.


"The state-approved or mandated removal

of the Ten Commandments

from various public places and state properties,

including courtrooms,

is a clear manifestation of a deep and longstanding rebellion."

James M. Kushiner

"Taking Liberties" in Touchstone, September/October 2018.


"By our individual acts we can either increase the misery, suffering,

and pain of others

or contribute to their relief, healing, and well-being."

Charles Strohmer

"Solace in the Shadows" in Touchstone,

September/October 2018.


"Our feasts upon earth come and go,

and going, leave us with both pleasure

and sadness, but their very passing here points

toward the time beyond time,

when all good things do not pass away."

Anthony Esolen

"Foretaste of Eternal Glory" in Touchstone, May/June 2018.


"Good journalism requires the talents of a storyteller,

a historian, a philosopher, and a theologian. 

It requires a love of language and a commitment to truth."

Les Sillars

"A Good Report" in Touchstone, May/June 2018


"There is something about the outside of a horse

that is good for the inside of a man."

Winston Churchill


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

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A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com

Leuthner Well Company

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November 2018