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September 2010 |
13) A prediction in a recent League of MN Cities publication is that many Minnesota cities will be bankrupt by 2015. If that dire prediction became true for Victoria, where would you make cuts to help us survive? “I will always continue to remain positive. We have been extremely conservative and have had the ability to make substantial year-end transfers into accounts for ‘future rainy days.’ It is through this planning that we have not had to take money from our reserves or investments to operate the City. It is through this planning that we earned an AA+ credit rating from Standard and Poor’s, the second highest we can receive. “It is impossible for me to say what I might cut because it depends on the times and what the community believes is important. However, in dire times I would defer, re-prioritize, and re-evaluate. This would be accomplished through citizen input from our various committees and commissions. “A city has important responsibilities: safety, transportation, and the health of our community. We can never compromise that promise to our citizens; however, we can discuss how we can deliver critical services in ways that we might not be accustomed to.” 14) Every level of government has long fingers that reach into taxpayer pockets to pay for things beyond necessary government services. What, exactly, do you believe are the necessary services that city government should provide? “As stated above: safety, transportation, and the health of our community. This includes providing police and fire protection, ensuring the availability of non-polluted water, protecting our environment through appropriate sewer infrastructure, and maintaining our roads.” 15) What, exactly, do you believe are secondary services provided by a flush city budget? “I don’t believe that there ever have been or will be ‘flush city budgets.’ But I do believe there are services that make a city first class and attractive to current and prospective residents -- and not all of those services should be provided for only through tax dollars. “Some of the high priorities to me are access to exceptional educational, recreational and entertainment facilities that bring people together, a thriving business community, trails and parks which encourage fitness and health, intra- and inter-transportation, and a culture that brings out the best of people while encouraging innovative ideas. |
Candidates Continued |
Jim Crowley 612-280-4834 9265 Red Oak Drive 1) When did you move to Victoria and why did you choose Victoria instead of a neighboring community? “The Crowley’s moved to Victoria in December of 2006 from Apple Valley. We sought more room for our growing family, closer church, good schools, proximity to Lake Minnetonka. Victoria represented for us the best of what we liked when we lived in Apple Valley, but in a more convenient and desirable location for our growing family.”