"Bunnies are cuddly, the large and the small,

but the chocolates are best of all."

A. Nonny Mouse


"The future of our culture does not depend upon

'inclusion' or 'diversity,'two overworked words in public life today.  It depends upon our capacity

for self government, which assumes the ability of ordinary people

to stand firmly on their own two feet."

R.R. Reno

"The Public Square" in First Things, November 2017.


"There is a deep wellspring of solid realism

and everyday competence in America.

This will hold us in good stead

as we face together the challenges before us."

R.R. Reno

"The Public Square" in First Things, November 2017.


"When America's founders and framers

spoke of truths that were self-evident,

they referred not to truths as declared or interpreted by man,

but to those that need neither translation

nor acceptance by man to be or to remain true."

Mark Helprin

"By Starlight Undiminished" in First Things, November 2017.


"We know and understand our founders and framers best,

as we can know and understand anyone best,

simply by knowing what they loved,

for this is above all what makes us."

Mark Helprin

"By Starlight Undiminished" in First Things, November 2017.


"Habitual observation of nature teaches that,

even if shrouded in mystery, truth exists and can be self-evident.  All of nature is unimpeachably self-evident."

Mark Helprin

"By Starlight Undiminished" in First Things, November 2017.


"Scientists would do well to start with a frank acknowledgement

that they do not really know the deeper sources

of their own dearly held scientific truths."

William A. Wilson

"The Myth of Scientific Objectivity" in First Things,

November 2017.


"The ease with which accidental or deliberate error

can enter data analysis

provides a mechanism for the views of a scientist

to leach into their results."

William A. Wilson

"The Myth of Scientific Objectivity" in First Things,

November 2017.


"The man who chases two rabbits catches neither."

A. Nonny Mouse


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Dedicated to the sunshine of truth,

the moonshine of meeting deadlines,

and the starshine of Victoria.

The Victoria GAZETTE

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A symphony of photos

and fewer than a thousand words

at www.VictoriaGazette.com

Leuthner Well Company

Victoria * 952-443-2582


April 2018

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